Disclaimer: This document is intended as an informative template only. By using this, you accept this statement and take into account that Webnode is not responsible for any activity or use based on the content of the website. We recommend that you seek legal advice and adapt this document to the needs of your business.
The online store [….] on the website [….] company ID […] headquarters […] processes the personal data provided by the Customer for the fulfillment and addition of the General Terms and Conditions, for the processing of electronic orders and deliveries and for the necessary communication for the period prescribed by law under.
General provisions
1. Personal data controller in accordance with the GDPR (further information can be found in: EU 2016/679, as well as the Information on freedom and self-determination of EU 2016/680: net.jogtar.hu/info-tv.) GÉPKERT Mechanical and Horticultural limited company , company ID number 01 06 610189, headquarters János Kiss altábornagy utca 23. 2. em. 1., 1126 Budapest, XII. (hereinafter: GÉPKERT is managed by the Mechanical and Horticultural Limited Partnership on this website);
2. Contact details of the Operator: e-mail: gepkertbt@gmail.com, phone: +3612490286;
3. Personal data is any information that relates to the identification of a natural person.
Source of personal data
1. The Operator processes personal data obtained with the consent of the Customer, which is collected through the contract concluded during the electronic order created in the e-shop [...].;
2. The Operator only processes the Customer's identification and contact information, which are necessary for the performance of the contract;
3. The Operator processes personal data for the period prescribed by law for delivery and accounting purposes, as well as for the necessary communication between the contracting parties. Personal data will not be published or transferred to other countries.
Purpose of data processing
The Operator processes the Customer's personal data for the following purposes:
1. Registration on the website: We store your data in accordance with Chapter 4, Section 2 of the GDPR;
2. To fulfill the electronic order created by the Customer (name, address, e-mail, phone number);
3. Compliance with laws and regulations resulting from the contractual relationship between the Client and the Operator;
4. Personal data is required to fulfill the purchase contract. The contract cannot be concluded without personal data.
Duration of storage of personal data
1. For the period necessary to fulfill the rights and obligations arising from the contractual relationship, the Operator stores the data for 3 years after the conclusion of the contractual relationship;
2. The data controller must delete all personal data after the time required to store personal data has expired.
Recipients and processors of personal data
The third parties processing the Customer's personal data are subcontractors of the Operator. The services of these subcontractors are essential for the successful fulfillment of the contract for the processing of electronic orders between the Operator and the Customer.
Subcontractors of the Operator:
Webnode AG (web store system);
Delivery company;
Google Analytics (website statistics);
Customer's rights
In accordance with the regulation, the Customer's rights:
1. Right of access to personal data;
2. The right to correct personal data;
3. The right to delete personal data;
4. The right to object to the processing of personal data;
5. The right to data portability;
6. The right to withdraw consent to the processing of personal data in writing or by e-mail:[….];
7. In case of suspected violation of the regulation, submit a complaint to the supervisory authority.
Protection of personal data
1. The Operator declares that it takes all necessary technical and organizational precautions to protect personal data;
2. The Operator has taken technical precautions to secure the data storage areas, in particular by protecting access to the computer with a password, using anti-virus software and regular maintenance of the computers.
Final provisions
1. Placing an electronic order on the website [dmoreed.com] The Customer confirms that he has received information about all the conditions for the protection of personal data and fully accepts them;
2. The Customer accepts these rules by checking the box on the purchase order form.
3. The Operator may update these rules at any time. A new, updated version is available on the public website.
These rules enter into force [25.11.2023 14:25]
Sütiket használunk, hogy biztosítsuk a weboldal megfelelő működését és biztonságát, valamint hogy a lehető legjobb felhasználói élményt kínáljuk Neked.
Haladó beállítások
Itt testreszabhatod a süti beállításokat. Engedélyezd vagy tiltsd le a következő kategóriákat, és mentsd el a módosításokat.
Az alapvető sütik elengedhetetlenek weboldal biztonságos és helyes működéséhez, valamint a regisztrációs folyamathoz.
A funkcionális sütik megjegyzik a weboldallal kapcsolatos preferenciákat és lehetővé teszik annak testreszabását.
A teljesítmény sütik figyelik a weboldal teljesítményét.
A marketing sütik lehetővé teszik, hogy mérjük és elemezzük weboldalunk teljesítményét.